Author Archives: aslak

Breadboard power solution and the start of FPGA dev board version 2

When working with solderless breadboard, one of the concerns is how to power it. Ideally I would have a nice bench PSU but, being cheap, I makedo without one. In the past I have stumbled around with various solutions, including using the power pins on a USB serial breakout board, using an AVR programmer header just for the purpose of… Read more »

FPGA woes

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This blog post is a bit unusual because all I’m able to write about are problems. In short I made up my FLEX6000 dev board but could not get it to function. Here it is in all of its glory: As you can see, I didn’t bother to fully populate it. The route cause of the problem, I suspect, is… Read more »

FPGA preliminaries

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This last few months has been a bit “scrappy” on the projects front. I’ve not made as much progress as I’d hoped but have started down several different fronts and have done a fair amount of reading. To learn about implementing a DMA controller, I initially started working on a new 6809 computer core on breadboard. In the end I… Read more »

PCB toner transfer wrap-up, interrupts, video, and an IO board!

I haven’t written in this journal in two months now. I’ve been busy with work, looking after my son, etc. But I have, in the past few months, squeezed in the odd hour here and there on my projects. I’ve managed to get quite a lot done, and haven’t really felt like updating this blog until now. This entry may… Read more »

Circuit for a laminator controller and PCB manufacture of the same

I have, for about a month now on and off, been working on the controller board for the toner-transferring laminator. This involved buying some new tools including a drill press add-on for my Dremel multi-purpose tool, a chuck for the Dremel, and a collection of drill bits in various sizes. First of all, here is a picture of the finished… Read more »

PCB ordered, and improvements to homemade PCBs

This last month or so I have been working on two fronts: finalising the circuit for the computer, and working on my home made PCB fascilities. So, the circuit is finished. For power the board has two options: USB, like the previous design, and a Molex harddisk power connector. Because of the high current sourcing with a PC power supply… Read more »